Why are some people happy while some are never happy in life

“Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like & celebrating it for everything that it is!” We are living in a materialistic world where we feel having the wealth, career, nice property, all luxurious items will make us feel good and happy. People are not happy when they

Overeating, Binge eating, and Food addiction in Lockdown period

Are you not able to control eating in this Lockdown? Often there is confusion among people between overeating, binge eating, and food addiction. So what is the Difference between Overeating, Binge eating, and Food addiction? Overeating Overeating can be a normal tendency for many individuals, to have excess food at a function or wedding even

Bonding with your partner during Quarantine

We often complain that there is no time to spend with our spouse or partner. For some, this time could make or break the relationship. But a wise person will make good use of this time to flourish the relationship.  Sometimes couples meet only on weekends, that too most of the time is spent relaxing

9 Ways to deal with chronic Depression?

Depression is a feeling of hopelessness and chronic sadness which is persistent for more than 3 months. The symptoms of chronic depression are losing interest in normal activities, feeling low all the time, lack of sleep or sleeping too much. These feelings may last for years intruding on your work, relationships, and daily activities. People

Bonding with friends and family during Vacation.

“If you want your children to turn out well, spend twice as much time with them, And half as much money!” As the saying goes by, we need to spend more time with our children by playing, reading together, doing an activity, learning new stuff than spending money on them by giving them all the

17 Tips for parents to help their children cope with examination stress

Exam time is stressful for students as well as parents. There are two types of students one, who can be easy-breezy, do their revision and appear their exam while the other set of students, fear exam, take a lot of stress, fall ill just before exams. Let us understand the Psychological Reaction to Stress Constant

How to reduce Exam stress and anxiety?

Exam stress affects most students in varying ways. The stress level in school and college students is so high that they get a lot of physical symptoms due to stress. Teachers and parents need to teach their children how to manage stress and find ways to manage it. Some students can take exams with ease

Ten Roadblocks to Happiness

Happiness is a choice and it’s a journey. Some people remain happy in hard times and there are these people who cannot be happy even when there is nothing to cry for. So we have tried listing 10 roadblocks of happiness. Having Unrealistic sense of Self Do you feel you are not good at anything?

Are you afraid of being judged?

Do you run away from social gatherings? Do you fear what people will say about whatever you say or feel? Do you get tremors when you are around a bunch of people? Does your voice get choked when you have to address something or introduce yourself? Are you conscious about yourself the way you dress,

How to tackle stress while studying?

Stress negatively affects students’ performance, ability to focus and confidence. As per research, children aging 3 years of age are also getting stressed. With the competition around, parental pressure and constant comparison with other children makes students more stressed. It becomes difficult to concentrate on studies and fear takes overconfidence. So how to get over

Managing the “Winter Blue’s”

We love winters for the cold weather. It’s the best season to travel, have scrumptious food, your appetite is also on the rise. For some, winters are the best but for a few people winters are not great because they make them feel low, lethargic and gloomy. People, who are already facing depression, tend to

New Year’s Resolution: How to plan them?

Are you planning a new resolution? Have you tried this before and successfully failed?! Are you planning to lose weight, get de addicted, have good health – physical and mental, manage finances, be more organized? Planning a resolution is easy, but sticking to them is difficult. Generally, we can stick to the resolutions for some

How to avoid negative thoughts?

When we have negative thoughts, we want to get over them, but we can’t. It is easier said than done! According to research, we get round about 60,000 – 80,000 thoughts in a day. Since we are living in this digital world and are exposed to Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, Youtube we take in a lot

Why is your teenager experimenting with cigarettes?

Most of the teens start smoking at the age of 14-17 years. The teenage is a critical period in the formation of the smoking habit. Globally, smoking is still on the rise among teenagers. The habit of smoking is considered a true drug addiction and is widespread all over the world. Your teenager may experiment

Why smoking is so harmful to mental health?

Smoking is hazardous and every cigarette you smoke is harmful to your physical and mental health. But how does your mental health gets affected by smoking? It is a well known fact that a person’s physical health is affected as each cigarette contains a lot of dangerous chemicals that can harm a person’s lungs, stomach,

Surviving a Relationship Breakup

Breakups are tough. Dealing with them isn’t so easy when you love a person so much. It’s all the more difficult to handle when the break up is initiated not by you, but another person. Or you had to separate due to parental or social pressure. The fact that you won’t see your loved one

10 reasons why you are not able to get over your breakup?

If you are reading this blog probably you or your closed one has undergone a break up in life and are not able to move on in life. How much ever you try and console yourself that what happened, happened for good but yet you are obsessed with those thoughts which makes your life miserable.

Breakup: The Psychological and Emotional Impact

Breakups have a huge impact on your mind and your physical body. There are feelings of rejection, unwantedness, and loneliness that makes one go in a depressive state. It can have devastating effects on one’s wellbeing. One might not be able to concentrate on their day to day activities such as studying and working. Immense

Are children essential in marriage?

Can you live happily married without children? Does having children means you have settled in life? Once a couple gets married, generally the elderly people advice to have a child as soon as possible. Some people have children immediately and some wait for a few years. While some don’t want to have it at all.

Wife Earns More?

Gone are those days when a man was the sole bread earner of the family and his wife took care of the house and the children. Today, women are educated; career-oriented and can make a mark in whichever industry she feels like. What happens when a wife earns more than her husband? With due respect

How interfering in-laws can ruin a marriage

Marriage is not just a tie between two people who love each other. It also marks the advent of another new relationship — the one you have with your in-laws. In India, you don’t marry a person you marry a Family. Naturally, a family may consist of parents in law, brother-sister in law, grandparents in

Dating: As a single parent

Dating as a single parent is not as easy as dating when unmarried. One might have lost their spouse, divorced or got separated. A person may not be ready to date again as they have just gone through the pain of separation. Also, the responsibility of children keeps holding the parent back. The single parent

Is Infidelity the end of a marriage?

Infidelity can be defined as the action or state of being unfaithful to a spouse or other sexual partner. We often hear about infidelity and perhaps have seen live examples within the circle of friends and family. One of the main reasons why a marriage ends is because of infidelity and the hasty decisions taken

Could Money be a Marriage spoiler?

“They say money can’t buy Love but have you tried paying bills with a Hug?!” Out of all the divorces that happen worldwide, Money is one of the main reasons why marriages break and go through tough times. The varied reasons for problems in marriage could be: One spouse spending too much than the other

Loneliness and how to beat it!

Loneliness is a universal human emotion that is both complex and exceptional to each individual. Because it has no single common cause, the prevention and treatment of this potentially damaging state of mind can differ vividly. Health Risks Associated with Loneliness Loneliness has a wide range of negative effects on both physical and mental health,

Stay at home dad: Good or bad?

When one thinks of a stay-at-home parent, it’s almost always the mom that comes to the mind. But when a husband decides to be at home and take care of the household chores and look after the children, it isn’t looked upon, like a great job by society. More than the society if you wish

How Anger Ruins a Marriage

Angry spouse is like an active volcano, which could blow up any moment. Even the smallest of outburst can throw off the balance and ruin a perfect marriage. Psychologist Dr. Prerna Kohli – PhD Marriage is a hardship- even a good marriage. Getting a beautiful wedding and living happily ever after is not it, which

Anger Management in Pre-teens

“The truth about anger is that it only dissolves when it is really heard and understood without reservations.” – Carl Rogers Pre-teens, ranging from 8 to 12 years of age are hormonal and are often agitated. At the concrete operational stage, tweens are rationale and organized in their thinking patterns. Pre-teens can be observed with

Anger Management in Early Childhood

In early childhood, children feel anger, and express anger but are unable to understand the anger. The pre-operation stage of cognitive development from the age of 3 to 7 years in children is majorly characterized by language development. Early childhood is predominantly consumed by egocentrism, where the child has not thus far developed concrete logic

Anger Management in Toddlers

The initial stage of child development, from birth till the age of 3 years, the toddlers develop an understanding of the world and acquires the knowledge through their senses and motor movements. The baby at the sensorimotor stage explores the world by seeing, touching, grasping, biting, sucking, and babbling through trial and error pattern. The

Stress Caused by the Workplace

Stress is a pattern of emotional (e.g. anxiety, depression), cognitive (e.g. poor concentration), behavioural (e.g. increased alcohol and drugs use) and physical (e.g. increased blood pressure, headaches) reactions to adverse conditions. It is characterized by high levels of arousal, distress and feelings of not being able to cope. Stress is not usually classified as a


People spend a large part of their adult life at work, which satisfies their personal, economic and social needs. Worldwide data indicate that mental health problems have a direct impact on workplaces through increased absenteeism, accidents, reduced productivity, and increased costs. They also result in a number of employees eventually dropping out of work. In

Dealing with Anger

Attempts to stop reacting and making the choice to respond to anger may also be difficult because we are surrounded by people with excessive anger. Basically, there are three ways which the individuals use to deal with anger–expressing, suppressing, or calming.  Expressing Expressing anger in a correct manner is very important. Assertiveness is of great

Aggression in Teens

Psychologically ‘Aggression’ refers to the behaviour by one person or persons intended to cause harm to another person or persons’. In the extreme form, aggression may end up in destructive behaviour towards another person or animal or even objects, such as breaking a TV or something which is valuable. Your teens are exposed to aggression

Obligatory Exercise or Anorexia Athletica

Anorexia Athletica refers to a compulsion for exercise. It results in guilt and anxiety if the person doesn’t work out. Maladaptive attitudes, behaviors, and intrapsychic experiences around eating, weight, and body image that cause significant distress or impairment. Mentriq Team talks about Obligatory Exercise or Anorexia Athletica 7 Signs of Obligatory Exercise   Tolerance: Increasing

5 Ways to deal with Stress

Stress is also an unavoidable and normal part of life. We cannot discard or remove stress from our lives. Still, there are certain relaxation techniques and other methods.To manage stress so that we have control over our stress and normal body functions. Some of the methods with the help of which stress can be dealt

What is Stress?

Stress is a condition of bodily or mental unrest which occurs as a result of any physical, emotional or chemical imbalance in our body. There are several factors that may cause this condition.  The physical and chemical factors that may cause stress include trauma, infections, toxins, illnesses, and injuries of any sort. While the emotional

7 Techniques to Build a Happy Home

Play with your Child Playing is an essential part of every child’s development. Being able to play freely enables your child to gain invaluable life skills, including socialising, learning about themselves and others and discover different ways to do things. Teach your child to be organised Teach your children to be organised because it helps cut

Mastering the art of avoidance

This doesn’t have to mean that you avoid your feelings. That is generally a very bad strategy. However, when it comes to anger, most people need time to learn anger-management skills. While you are learning, you may profit from staying out of trouble by avoiding trouble in the first place. In most people, emotions are

Cognitive Restructuring for Anger

Cognitive restructuring means changing the process or way of thinking. When anger goes beyond control people behave in a very aggressive, exaggerated and overly dramatic way. These all happens because the positive thoughts are blocked somewhere in mind at this juncture and an individual is guided by negative thoughts. When such a sequence occurs, one

10 Things to do Every Single day as a parent

Be Loving: Get rid of that old wives take that hugging them, holding them, telling them you love them is spoiling your children. There are many children who suffered because their parents were too busy, too selfish and too preoccupied to spent time with them. Mentriq Team talks about 10 Things to do Every Single

Follow relaxation techniques to calm down

If you confront a situation that generates anger, you need to recognise these warning signs and anticipate your triggers, then you can act quickly to deal with your anger even before it spins out of control. There are many techniques that can help you keep your anger in check and help you to unwind and

Five ways to deal with angry people

Here we’ll show  techniques for cooling down situations that threaten to ignite when you don’t want them to. In all but the rarest of cases, you’ll feel better and come up with more effective solutions when you contain conflict rather than give anger a free lead. When faced an angry person, you want to do

Controlling Anger in advance

It is better to deal with situations well in advance which may later create problems and lead to maladjustment. This fact is equally applicable to anger.  If the emotion of anger goes beyond control then the individual may suffer from various physical, physiological as well as psychological problems at later stages. So now the question

Common anger myths

If you don’t express anger you just might explode  The truth is, the more often you express anger, the more likely you are to get angry in the future.  Men are angrier than females  If angrier means how often people express anger, it’s simply not true that men are angrier than women. Surveys have proven

Cyber Addiction

Cyber Addiction Cyber addiction is a kind of behavioural addiction. Behaviour addiction  is the failure to defend against an desire, force, or temptation to perform an act that is damaging to the person or to others. In the last two decades, internet has rapidly become a way of life. One of its effects has been

Substance Abuse in adolescents

Substance Abuse in adolescents In the past couple of decades, there have been reports that adolescent indulges in drinking alcohol and using drugs. Influence of the peer group combined with low frustration tolerance, aggressive tendencies, and easy availability of drugs lead to increased use and abuse of substances by these youngsters. They appear to be least concerned with its

Depression in Teenagers

Depression is the most common mental health problem or set of problems among teenagers. Teens or adolescents can become persistently depressed. Adolescents with depression may present with suicidal thoughts, self-harm, self-mutilation, severe self-neglect, starvation or extreme agitation.  They start feeling sad all the time. And the sadness does not get better in response to changes in

Self-harm in teenagers

‘Self-harm happens when someone hurts or harms themselves.’   Self-harm is a deliberate, intentional injury to one’s own body that causes tissue damage or leaves marks for more than a few minutes. There are many ways in which teenagers can engage in self-harming behavior, but the most common is cutting the skin with knives, blades

The Psychological Benefits of Sex

Just like exercise, sex also improves your mental health. Regular sex will reduce stress, and anxiety and also make you happier. Scientific studies have clearly shown that Sex i.e. Penile-Vaginal Intercourse (PVI)  directly correlates with an increase in your mental health. Sex whether  PVI or masturbation is very healthy for you. The benefits of sex

Caregiver Stress

Who is a Caregiver? A caregiver is a person who gives help to any other person in crisis, for example to a spouse who is ill, a child who is disabled or a family member who is ill. Although, when your parents get old and you are the person responsible for taking care of them

Sexual Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (S-OCD)

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is frequently referred to us OCD. OCD is a common mental health issue. Basically, OCD is a form of Anxiety  Disorder where a person suffers from the same thoughts, ideas, or feelings repeatedly. Some of the common types of OCD is that people repeatedly wash their hands. Individuals become so scared of

The In’s and Out’s of Tobacco Abuse!

It is a fascinating fact about addiction that, the person who is abusing a drug more often than not knows the health hazards of the substance they are using well; Nevertheless they continue using it. Your story of Tobacco addiction might have just started like many others who needed a casual high and were in

Depression: Cancer of the Mind

James Middleton, Kate Middleton’s brother very aptly said Depression is the Cancer of the Mind in one of his recent interviews. In this interview, he discussed his struggles with depression. One would assume that the brother-in-law to the future King of England would not be one to suffer from depression. But depression knows no socio-economic

Understanding Anger in Women And Managing It

Even if you consider yourself to be the Most Sympathetic person; Anger will take over you sometimes.Many scripts suggest that women should not be angry and that it is not feminine. Women express anger inwardly unlike men, they suppress and ignore it more often leading to other problems like depression and bipolarity. Women mostly fear

Managing Your Child’s Anger

Is your child always throwing tantrums, Is it getting difficult for you as a parent to make him understand the right way to behave? Are you losing your peace? Then your child might be having anger issues. Anger in children is getting common these days factors such as non-cooperative parents, not meeting the demands of


Anger is just like other emotions we have; a little less would make us called as “non-expressive”, or too much would be “self-destructive”, but anger is also important for self-preservation and self-defense if managed properly. Anger can also appear because of fear or perceived threat, as you are responding with a ‘fight’ response to which

7 Ways to keep your New year Resolutions

The year is ending and you must be waiting to start with a host of brand new Resolutions. Every New  Year comes with new hopes and dreams that you have planned to achieve, But a lot of our new year resolutions are broken in the first few hours of the day. Here are some Fail

What is cloutlighting?

A pretty weird video was taking the social media by storm sometime back; This was of a boy applying chili on his girlfriends’ tampon. The girl is seen screaming and desperate while she is being filmed in a very embarrassing situation. This phenomenon is called Cloutlighting. What all effort would you make to build your online

 Premarital Counselling

December is here! It is the wedding season in most parts of the world and also the most beautiful time of the year with Christmas and New Year around the Corner. If you are reading this Blog, it is more likely that you are engaged already or about to be engaged to Your Sweetheart. While

How to Raise a Joyful child?

All of us want our kids to grow up Joyful and Independent. We expect them to be loved,to love,to find their’s dreams and pursue them to success. We want our kids to be sadness Proofed from birth which is grossly meant as we want them to be Joyful throughout life.  But can we control as

How to deal with online bullies and trolls?

It is not uncommon nowadays to be attacked online by online bullies. Some mean-spirited people take a lot of interest in expressing their harmful and toxic views. These bullies spend a lot of time online and argue on harmless topics offensively too. Since curbing your virtual presence is practically not possible in today’s world, here

Body Image

All of us have a mental representation of how we look like, however, it might not be actually what others see when they look at you. This is called a Body Image. This image that you have about your body is extremely distorted and is mostly influenced by your attitudes, beliefs, early life experiences, parental

Build Resilience!

The meaning of the word Resilience is to recoil or rebound. Resilience is your ability to come out of difficult times and overcome challenging times. Some people are born more resilient and some are not. However, Resilience can be taught and learned. The virtue of Resilience will serve you well, once you have become an

Psychological benefits of saying Goodbye to Clutter

  Diwali is around the corner and all of us are busy cleaning our homes and throwing out Clutter. This is one time of the year when everything sparkles, shines and lights up. Most of you must have experienced the uneasiness of a cluttered kitchen or messy workstation. Clutter builds up a lot of stress

Build a Happy Marriage!

 ” Marriage is a long term-commitment where both the partners are willing to give whatever it takes to reach their goal of a Happy Marriage. Happy marriages do not happen by fluke but take a lot of effort”.    Here are a few steps you can take to reach towards your goal of a Happy

What is Dysania?

Dysania is also referred to as clinomania; It is a condition in which you find it very difficult to get out of the bed and take that important first step every day. People with Dysania feel tired even after  8-10 hours of sleep on a regular basis and some people experience racing thoughts just to

How to make a girlfriend?

Some of the young men who approach our clinic for counseling are lonely and want companionship and are looking for a lady friend. The challenge faced by them is two-fold: Growing up they were either in single-sex school and didn’t have the opportunity to mix with girls or learn how to form healthy relationships with

Toxic Relationships

What is a Toxic Relationship? The foundation of a healthy relationship is mutual admiration and respect, but in a toxic relationship, this severely deteriorates over a course of time. Staying in such relationships for any duration could be unhealthy and quite unproductive. A toxic relationship is not productive for any of the partners. Signs that

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD is the failure to recover after having a first-hand experience or just witnessing a Life-threatening or terrifying event. Although the feelings of fear are natural after a Traumatic event and everyone has a range of experiences after the trauma, People generally recover from these immediate symptoms naturally without any help. Some


Agoraphobia is the fear situations where escape could be difficult, or you doubt that you would not receive any help if you are in trouble. It is a kind of Anxiety disorder. Most of the people having this Phobia develop it only after having more than one panic attacks. Hence, you avoid places where you

Be a better version of yourself

All of us want to better ourselves as an Individual, but we are often convinced that it is not possible to become better once we are into adulthood. But, that is not true, there is always a scope for more improvement. We will get into the details of what are the cardinal steps to become

How to spot a Sociopath

A lot of us have a Sociopath in our life whom we have hired, are dating, is married to or are in a deal with; Take a brief look at some of the characteristics to look for in a Sociopath below: 1)Lack of Stable friendships Balanced and normal people have a range of friends from

How to have a happy family?

Sounds simple right?! As simple as it sounds; it is indeed a tough task to achieve that picture perfect happy family that smiles together in the billboards and magazines. Most of you have an ideal situation in mind where you are wise parents who are able to deal with almost all calamities calmly. Although, in

Do this if you are aware of your Narcissism!

It is very rare to find a narcissist to be aware of his Narcissism; However, if you are one of the enlightened narcissists who want to bring a positive change in your relationships, TRY THIS!  DO NOT TRY TO DEVALUE OTHERS If you are aware of your narcissistic patterns, you would also be aware of what

Sociopath Vs Psychopath

You must be very familiar with these glamorous terms Psychopathy and Sociopathy; especially through the movies, series and theatre world. Psychopathy and Sociopathy do not appear in Psychology literature, though there is an umbrella term for these known as an Antisocial personality disorder. The symptoms of Antisocial Personality disorder are as follows: Persistently break or

Are you suffering from Anxiety or having a Panic Attack?

The terms Anxiety attack and Panic Attack are often used interchangeably but there is a marked difference. In this article, you will get an idea of how Anxiety differs from a Panic attack. Panic attacks are sudden and involve overwhelming and excessive fear. It is of two types, one is an unexpected Panic attack and

Beat the ‘ Victim’ Mindset

Who is a Victim? A victim is a person who always views his Life through the glass of “I am not at fault or the world/destiny is the reason for all my misery”. He considers himself a victim of other people’s actions and circumstances and is certain that he cannot do anything about it. Victim

Hard Lessons of failure

Response to Failure is what demarcates a successful person from a person who has failed. When you fail, you become vulnerable by becoming open to interpretation by others.  You suffer from victimization, self-pity and also tend to catastrophize the event. But, No failure is final! You have to choose deliberately what you infer from the

Hyperactivity in Children

Acting without thinking, getting fidgety, daydreaming is normal for kids. They may blurt out things randomly and may not follow instructions. But when such actions continue, it might be a matter of concern. Parents may even label their kid as notorious, lazy or troublemakers. However, you must give it a thought that the child might

Article 377 and It’s Psychological impact!

The amendment of Section 377 of IPC calls for an Applaud! This judgment is not only a big step for the LGBT community but for all of us as the citizens of India. It is the declaration of being more “ acceptable” as a society and the reduction of “Stigma” of all nature. Sexuality is

9 Tricks to Close the Deal!

No matter how good the meeting went or how impressed the clients seem by your demo, but closing a deal can be stressful. And due to high competition in the market, at times, the probability of a guaranteed yes remains unmeasured. People do not face many difficulties in getting the leads but the real struggle

Eating Disorders in Children

Food is amongst one of the three basic necessities of life. It is very important for kids to eat healthy and proper food for right growth and development. But the recent scenarios show an increase in the number of eating disorders amongst children. There is no set age for it to develop. It could be

Bullying: Victim, Attacker and the Witness

When we say the term ‘bullying’, we often picture a child at school getting picked on. But it could be a child in the kindergarten or in the college to a person working in an MNC or hospital, who is facing it, inflicting it or witnessing it. An adult may be able to handle the

How to deal with Procrastination?

It’s the last day to submit the report, but you have so much left to do and your friends are waiting in the café for you to arrive. You have your exam tomorrow, its night already and you have done just one chapter. Can you relate to such a situation? Do you start doing an

Social media affecting our lives

Social media has become an important part of our lives lately. It is surely a boon as it allows you to connect with your friends and family, provides you with useful information and lets you stay updated with latest happenings around the world and trends. It’s a source of income for a lot of social

Monday Blues: Causes and Remedies

The concept of Monday Blues has become a cultural belief lately. And most of the time people just mock the situation and laugh things off that are actually bothering them, hiding behind this phenomenon. We spend more than one-third of a day at our workplace and hence, our outlook towards our job really holds a

Do these for your Mental Health!

We often think of Mental health as a blessing, a gift that is given by birth or that is hereditary but miss out on the environmental and cognitive factors that make us mentally ill. You might be living in a Posh Locality, in a luxurious home with all the best things that are available in

Sexual Disorders in Men

Talking about sex or the sexual disorders has been a big taboo. People are hesitant to discuss it, especially when it comes to disorders. People with sexual dysfunction often feel embarrassed and are afraid to talk about it to others or even avoid seeking help. There could various physical as well as psychological reasons that

Myths about Depression

Depression is one of the most common mental illnesses, has affected approximately 57 million people in our country. This is equal to 18 % of the people affected by depression across the globe, according to WHO. Recently, a lot of celebrities have opened about their mental health struggles and have shared ups and downs of

Are you in a healthy relationship?

When we ideate about our perfect partner, we all have a list of traits that we expect he/she possesses. We want our partner to be caring, attractive, and intelligent and loved by our friends and family. But ending up with someone who is kind of a narcissist is a total nightmare. An emotionally abusive relation

Substance Abuse Disorder

With the incidence of Singer Demi Lovato being hospitalized due to a Drug overdose, there is a need to discuss Substance Abuse and some of the important things that we need to keep in mind. What is substance use/ Abuse Disorder? Substance use disorder is when you use any one or more drugs that are


There could be several reasons which make one relocate to a new city. It could be a college, career opportunity, moving in with your spouse or anything else, which could be stressful. Here are some quick tips that could help you to make the transition a little easier: Do a thorough research about the city

Doing these could change your life!

Some things Can permanently Change your Life! In the Fable, The Red Shoes, a very young girl dreams of a pair of pretty red shoes. There is a blind woman who loves her and cares for her. She tricks the blind woman into buying her these beautiful pairs. She loves these red shoes and gave

Shift Work Sleep Disorder

This is a Circadian Rhythm related sleep disorder. Circadian Rhythm is also known as your sleep/wake cycle that is the 24 hours clock that works internally in your body. This rhythm is cycling between your sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals. A shift work sleep disorder is associated with insomnia, excessive sleepiness and affects people

Stay calm to be successful

How you manage your emotions and stay calm in stressful situations has a direct link to your performance. Research has found that 90% of good performers are extremely skilled at managing emotions. Stress is very detrimental to your mental health. When you expose yourself to prolonged stress, the cells in your brain that are responsible

“Rest” as a tool to Success

Work is as important as ‘NON-work’i.e, Rest!  What do you do when you are not doing any work is very essential to transform your life. A lot of stuff is disrupting your workplace like the change in demography, globalization, technology, automation etc. But this force of Nonwork is also one major factor for disruption of

How to make a smooth Transition from Vacation to Work

We have already talked about the positive benefits of vacation in our earlier blogs. All of us want to give our best, work hard, earn more and maintain our status as a high performer. But, you must always remind yourself of an exponential increase in productivity that is an after effect of getting out of

Mental health benefits of Exercising

Working out and exercising has become more of an Instagram Fix. Celebrities upload their workout days and you follow the league. This fashion statement of sweating out at the gym could actually be doing a lot of good to your Mental health as well. Especially if you are suffering from Anxiety Disorders and Depression. According

Importance of Sex in Marriage?

Many people consider the topic of sex as a taboo. Hence, it increases the lack of education about the topic. Due to which, many people only indulge in sexual activities to reproduce. Hence, after the couple conceives a child, the couple starts to put sexual needs and activities aside. But, it should not be the

The Loneliness  Bug

Lonely people are more likely to die of cardiovascular disease, cancer, respiratory problems and gastric problems than the Non-Lonely. You as a human being are supposed to be connected to other human beings. This need for connectedness is wired so deeply that if you are rejected socially or excluded from society in any way, it

Men and Mental Health

Women an Men not only differ in their Physical make-up but greatly differ in their Psychological Makeup. The patterns of mental distress found in women are also highly different from the patterns in women. Women generally tend to Internalize their Problems while Men are Externalizers. The way your brain is biologically wired is actually different

Celebrating the Role of a Father

“Father,  just like mothers, are not born. Males grow into fathers and fathering is a very significant stage in their development.”  David Gottesman Happy Father’s day to all of you! The Superhero of Our Lives. You as a father along with the mother are the most important person in a child’s life. The father is

How to take care of your Friendship

“Friendship is a very important relationship. But not everyone is blessed with one. So, what is the most important component that is vital to a friendship? It is commitment. Commitment is important for all long-term and fulfilling relationships.” If you wish to cultivate real friendships, you need to be obliged to each other in a

Before you lose your Mind to Food

Food is everywhere. There are TV commercials of those juicy burgers in between shows, advertisement of the chicken leg on the walls on your way to the office, Home delivery numbers for the cheesiest pizza along with a photograph, and if not anywhere on your Mind. How do you plan your good times with your

Habits That Will Make You Irresistible

How do some people always emit a lot of positive energy and confidence irrespective of how they look, what social connections they have and have money in their pocket or not? Even the most doubtful person finds themselves attracted and enamoured by their charm. You turn to these people for advice, companionship and help always.

Do you feel like a Fraud?

Do you often feel like you did not deserve whatever you have achieved? Be it your college grades, the promotion or the salary hike. Hence, whatever you achieve is the result of Luck, chance or negligence of other people. Do you often find youself stressing out about the fact that you are a fraud; would be

Masturbation Healthy or not?

May is the International Masturbation Month. There is a lot of stigma surrounding Masturbation. To reduce this stigma an entire month is being dedicated to it. Unfortunately, most people have a perception that masturbation is unhealthy. May 28th each year is celebrated as the International Masturbation Day! It’s normal for both men and women to masturbate

Psychological Disorders More Common In Women

Happy Mothers Day to All! The Last Sunday had been quite eventful for all of us who celebrated for their mothers and Mother’s themselves. Being Women and a Mother comes with a lot of Multi-tasking in New India and a subsequent increase in the inability to deal with it Physically and Psychologically.   Let’s Give

Self-Image In Girls

Girls are given a lot of messages about how they should behave, talk, dress and look good in the presence of others. Not all the messages that these girls receive are healthy and it starts very young so as to leave an imprint on their young minds. There is an increase in the sexual nature

What is High Functioning Depression?

Whenever you Hear the word depression or depressed, what picture comes to your mind? The picture that would come to your mind will be of an isolated lonely guy, who does not want to step out of his/her house, has difficulty getting out of bed, poor hygiene and is essentially sad. Could you picture a

Shortsighted Rules That Decrease Employee Morale

As a company you definitely need to have rules, that is a given, But you should not be lazy and shortsighted in your need to bring in order. It is tempting to make a new rule everytime someone crosses a line. This is where you have to differentiate yourself rather than blow out. Not every

Psychological Issues Faced By The Retired

Retirement has the same effects on the Employed and the unemployed. Whether you were working all your life or you were a homemaker taking care of children and household, the essential features are identical barring a few. Retirement essentially is a disengagement from active work life and a transition to a less busy life. By

How to Overcome Porn Addiction

It is a tough road to tread when someone is trying to quit any kind of addiction. Suffering from pornography addiction creates many difficulties for the person, and yet the person is unable to quit. There are many attempts, but due to something or the other, the resolution is overlooked. Sometimes, it is because of

Grief Counselling Case Study

Case Study: Background ABC is a large multinational company in Gurgaon. They are a team of 150 people working on the same floor. Evidently, work colleagues become your second family because you spend 60% of your waking life with them.  Recently there was the death of a young colleague at ABC company. The loss came

Understanding the Sexual Minority

Sexual Minority is defined as a group whose orientation sexually, sexual identity or choices differ from the majority of the people. It differs from what is considered as a Normal sexual orientation in the society. It also includes transgenders, the third gender or intersex orientation. The most important term here is Sexual Orientation. What do

Things that make you unlikeable

If you are like most of the people who believe that being liked by someone comes from an untrainable, natural trait of a person. You are under a mistaken belief. To be likeable you do not need to be good looking, fiercely social, or exceptionally talented. It is a matter of High Emotional Intelligence. In

“People Management” In Organizational Change Management

You can either change according to needs of your immediate environment or die an early death. This is as true to human life cycle as to the organizational life cycle. Organizations have to manage change strategically to implement new programs, initiatives or processes. One important part of the change management strategy should be “People Management”;

Balancing Baby and work

Balancing your life with a new member of the family is tough. Newborns need constant care and attention. When you are in a Job that demands a lot of your time, and energy, it can get even tougher. Maternity leaves are not long enough to help you recuperate and enjoy motherhood. A child needs care

Signs of Sex Addiction in Women

In a very stereotypical matter, it’s only men who are seen as sex addicts. Whenever someone says sex addiction, they instantly think it is a man. But, sex addiction is not only limited to men but can also happen to women. Being a sex addict is a serious mental illness, and it requires effective and

Choosing the Right Career

Worried about What to Choose? Which Career is right for you and Which is Not? After finishing class XIIth examination or Bachelor’s, the basic question any student asks themselves is, what career they should choose. There are thousands of options in the industry, and among those thousands, there are over lakh people asking you to

Effective Communication At Workplace

Your relationships at home and at the workplace are as good as the Quality of your communication. We are all guilty of Overcommunicating or Undercommunicating ate different situations but seldom the right communication. Our own biases and those of others we are communicating with paralyze, our effective communication.The word communication comes from the Latin word

Returning to Work after Baby

Do you often feel guilty that you are not able to take care of your newborn? Do you break into crying spells without many apparent reasons? Are you facing difficulty bonding with your newborn baby? Do you eat a lot or too less? To make matters worst, Have you already planned even once to kill

Smoking Is Injurious To Health

A lot of Researches on smokers have clearly indicated it as a bad habit that had started in the teenage years and then became an Addiction. What is the difference between a habit and an addiction then? A habit is formed by frequently repeating an act over and over again, to reach a point where

Inside a Rapist’s mind: What makes a sexual predator?

What made those men into despicable animals in the Nirbahya case on December 16th, 2012 on the roads of our capital or 8-year old Asifa’s rape in Kathua in Kashmir? Someone like them, or not so like them may be present in the workplace, or in our surroundings. But, there is an underline process within

Quit the Caveman Response

 What image comes to your mind when you think of a “Caveman”? Most likely it would be a picture of someone with a sloped forehead and a comparatively smaller head. A sloped forehead maybe a suggestion of a left prefrontal lobe that is under-developed. This area controls your emotions of aggression. This is also the

Signs of Sex Addiction In Men

Sex Addiction in Men is a Mental Illness: Most of us are aware of a mental health illness known as sex addiction disorder. But, people don’t know the meaning of this illness. Sex addiction is a compulsive sexual behaviour, where this behaviour is no longer for the sake of pleasure. Thus, leading to negative repercussions

Signs to spot exceptional employees

In a recent study of more than 500 business leaders to find out what sets great employees apart. The researchers were curious about what makes some people more successful at work than others.  Leaders chose “Personality” maximum number of times. 78% of the leaders said personality sets exceptional employees apart, whereas 58% chose the option

What are you thinking?

 “He who believes he can and he who believes he cannot are both correct.” -Henry Ford  Your thoughts make you who you are; they either make you or break you.What you speak to yourself when alone is very important.Self-talk i.e, the thoughts you have about what you feel and why you feel so can make

Is The Relationship Making you Sick?

Do you have a person in the family who is alcoholic, gambler, or is suffering from any other addiction? Are you the one always present to help this person? Do you sacrifice your own needs to fulfil theirs? If the Answer is “Yes” to all these questions, you may be suffering from CO-DEPENDENCY. “ Co-Dependency

Be Ultra Productive

When it comes to time, we are all given the same package of 24 hours every day. Yet it seems like some people have double the time. They get multiple things done at the same time, juggling between several projects and reach their goal on or before time.   How do some people become so

Understanding Porn Addiction

Sex addiction is the Umbrella term and Porn Addiction is a subset of the same.So, It refers to a range of behaviors that are done in excess and have a negative impact on Your day to day life. Let us look at the issue statistically: It was found that 1 out of 5 searches on

The Happiness Quotient

You are obsessed with happiness, and it eludes you at every step. If you see the commercials on the television or all the products that are marketed to you; You will find one common product that all of them are selling is  “ Happiness”. How do you find happiness and sustain it? In a recent

When the Touch becomes ” Sexual” at Workplace.

Sexual harassment at workplace is becoming a serious problem. The problem is also, the negative attention that it gets from everyone. Moreover, the problem with such troubles of intimate nature is that it comes with a lot of taboo.Sexual harassment will cost you, your peace of mind and productivity.The cases are under-reported due to fear of

When your JOB is similar to a Bad Marriage

Whether you Choose to agree or disagree, it is a fact that your Job takes a huge part of your Life. We spend more time in our jobs than our families. If your Job satisfies your needs, is rewarding and makes you joyful, it is absolutely worth the time. But a bad Job could be

Making Mental Well being a Priority In your Life

Our Mind is an amazing, complicated and mysterious thing.This is the machine generating ideas, thoughts, and plans.Your mind is working hard to keep your world in place; But to make this process sustainable you have to take in more than you are giving out every time. You need to refuel your life from time to

Sleeping Naked makes you Healthier and Wealthier

If I tell you to practice one thing that requires just 10 seconds of your day to become richer, lower your stress and increase your metabolism. Would you believe? Take this away then; Sleeping without clothes can do all this for you. The only effort you need to make is to strip-off your clothes before

Toxic bosses that you should avoid

Who is the most important person in your life? Your spouse, parents, children or a friend. If you reflect on this question, you will identify that it is your boss. You spend 50 percent of your productive time daily with your boss.If this significant relationship is under stress. Other relations also suffer. Difficult bosses contaminate

Cognitive biases that play havoc with your life

A cognitive bias is an error in reasoning, evaluation, and memory.  It is a systematic malfunction in the process of thinking. You remember an event based on the way your memory functions, which often lead to biased thoughts and decision making. Some cognitive biases are related to problems in attending to details. You have to

Signs that you are low on emotional intelligence

Low emotional intelligence impacts a wide range of Relationships. Some of the experts have also suggested that IQ is less important than Emotional Intelligence to determine the success of a person. When you broke into an argument with someone else because you felt the other person did not understand you. Or the other person said

Phone-Life Balance

Technology has made our lives easier, and one of the best inventions of technology has been the cellular phone. It is an indispensable part of our life now. They entertain you, connects you, informs you and aids in exploring your passions. Smartphones are our daily bread now! Phones should help make your lives easier and

How to fight burnout

A recent poll for Human Resource Management found that “Burnout from the current job” was the top reason for people to quit their job. Burnout can make your life tough, even when you are passionate about your work. If you are unable to create a balance in life by an alignment of input and output; you

Major life change and depression

Change is inevitable but not avoidable. A major life change is often accompanied by feelings of sadness, dissatisfaction, dullness and eventually depression.These life changes are dramatic, unexpected, brings us out of our comfort zones; give us a sense of an uncertain future.   What is a major life change? A change in anything that affects your life or lifestyle

Dealing every day with social anxiety

Social Anxiety is not just exaggerated fear of meeting strangers depending on circumstances and it will not go away just by facing your fears. “It is the intense fear of being judged, and negative evaluation by others that leads to a sense of inadequacy, inferiority, embarrassment, self-consciousness, humiliation and later leads to depression.” This person

Mental Abuse

Mental or emotional and psychological abuse has a long-term effect on the victim. This type of abuse occurs generally in long-term relationships. Not only in romantic relationships but also in the parent-child relationship.It can also be in your relationship with the boss. One person puts the other person down psychologically. Children also suffer from mental

Problems of Adolescence

Adolescence is a time of great turmoil. Adolescence is the age of 11 to 19 years roughly. Parents also have a tough time dealing with their teenagers. Adolescents are generally viewed by elders as disobedient; who do not follow rules and misbehave. On the contrary, adolescents are actually the ones suffering. A lot of change

Coming out of the comfort zone

You must have used this term numerous times in your lifetime. By now you must have also understood that comfort zone is a psychological state that you stay in and contrary to what the name suggests it should be Comfortable to stay there. What is the meaning of Comfort zone? Comfort zone is a State

How to Handle Toxic People at Home and Work

Toxic people cause you harm in numerous ways. They put a lot of “stress” on your mind and body. A lot of research on stress has shown that stress has a very negative effect on brain. Experiencing even a small duration of stress can decrease the functioning of the neurons in the hippocampus; the area

Breaking a bad habit

  “Whatever  you believe becomes your thoughts, What you think becomes your words, When you speak  about your thoughts, it becomes your action, What you act on them, it becomes your habits, Whatever your habits are, that becomes your values, Whatever your values are, becomes your destiny”.                                                      -Mahatma Gandhi That is the power of a

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

This disorder commonly known and abbreviated as ADHD is a disorder that is common in children. According to the Diagnostic and statistical manual of disorders; 99 percent of ADHD cases are below age 16. Let us look into this disorder in detail to diagnose it at the early stages. The problem with all mental disorders

Limiting Beliefs

Happy Women’s Week to Everyone! Women are breaking barriers in every sphere of Life. They are taking care of finances besides looking after the household. I have an analogy that needs to be shared when talking about Limiting Beliefs. It is more applicable to women. Do you know how elephants are trained to stay in

Mental Health Issues In Children

We are facing a lot of advancements in our Society. Change is inevitable but it is happening too fast. If we look at the last ten years there have been enormous changes in the way we deal, think and progress in life. We as adults are facing a lot of trouble and overlooking that our

Teaching the new millennium

With the intrusion of technology in our world be it business, media, or education; the way we perform has changed. Technology has perforated to the level of booking taxis, ordering food, buying clothes, furniture, or even virtually touring the world. No wonder the term ‘global village’ has become so common in our vocabulary. The ways

Helping kids overcome Tech Addiction

Are we making technology smarter and making ourselves more stupid? Children are becoming the primary victim of the addiction to technology. Doctors say that it is as bad as the addiction of any other narcotics. Childhood is that period of an individual’s life when the foundations of later learning are made. They observe, understand, imitate,

Dealing chronic power struggle with students

Let us look into how conflicts arise first. Whatever happens in the environment around us is an event that arouses some kind of emotion inside us. If the event is a threat to us, our minds start generating corresponding emotions. These threats that we encounter are generally perceived i.e., based on our assumption of the

Make learning more effective

Teachers are constantly bombarded with information about how to teach, what to teach and make learning more enjoyable as well as productive. It is very difficult to manage a class of students having a multitude of needs. All the students have different potential to learn and to recognize and effectively utilize that is a lot

Life saving skills for the educators

  You are the one always giving a portion of yourself through imparting knowledge. It is a profession for the people excited to share, educate, learn,re-learn and innovate. A profession that required commitment and honesty. That looks like an enormous amount of responsibility. Isn’t it? Here are some of the tips to manage yourself when

Stress of dealing with the students?

  Read on The scientific meaning of the word stress is to exert pressure or tension on a material object. But, this is more often used today as a psychological phenomenon occurring due to excessive pressure on the mind due to the external circumstances around a person. When there are multiple tasks you need to

Burnout  in Job

  “What is this life if, full of care, we have no time to stand and stare” –William Davies You are always busy, running errands to meet your daily needs and that of your significant others. But do you even think once, how much of yourself and your life you are losing in the process?

Managing the Fear of Traveling

Most of the corporate jobs require travelling to places and different offices. But, many people aren’t able to do so. They are afraid and get very anxious. The anxiety leads to panic attacks. This irrational fear is caused by the thought of travelling. This can occur due to past traumatic events, which is then linked

Addiction and Productivity

What is Addiction? Addiction is a compulsive behavior leading to the overuse of a certain substance despite the knowledge of the negative consequences. It causes a lot of problems in the day to day living of the person and often takes over their lives too. The condition is complex. Addiction affects your Physiology, Psychology and

Emotional Intelligence at Play

Difficulty dealing with emotions? Emotions are an outward psychological expression of a particular situation that is experienced mentally or physically. Emotions are there for a use not just as an after effect. Any emotion you experience directs you to an area that needs your immediate attention.  Commonly you must have heard that being emotional is

Poor Job-Fit

The most likely reason you are reading this blog would be that you are dissatisfied with your current job or are already looking for a job change. What is that a job means to you describes a lot about how you treat your job.  Most of us spend almost fifty percent of our lives on

Why Vacations Are Mandatory?

Whenever we think of a vacation, the first thing that comes to our mind is that we need to have a luxury of both time and money. Vacations are thus kept at last in our plan of things because we never seem to have enough of these two things in life. Let ‘s look at

Tips to Sleep Better After Work

Sleep and productivity go hand in hand. If the person is unable to sleep at night, there is a rapid decrease in productivity at work. Sleep recharges a person’s mind and increases energy levels. A good sleep helps the person to be more active and productive. But, if a person isn’t able to get a

Issues Faced by a Team at Workplace

Either you are working for a big company or a small one, you will have to work in teams. Hence, it is very important to get along with your team members. The objective of any team is to complete the project at hand. Thus, there are countless hours a person spends with their team to

Depression & Work: What to do?

Depression, the illness itself depletes your energy. As the mind is constantly processing things, it becomes difficult for the mind to concentrate. The lack of sleep and appetite adds to the stress hence worsening the situation. Waking up from the bed and getting ready becomes a huge task. In the face of depression, it feels

Workplace Counselor Benefits

Stress and work go hand in hand. In any workplace, be it big or small, they will create stress for the employees. A certain amount of stress is necessary, for the employees to create a productive environment. But, if the stress is too much, the productivity level decreases and the employee is unable to cope

Deciding Whether to Disclose your Mental Health to Your Employer

It’s very difficult to work while having an unstable mental health. Difficulty in concentrating, productivity in work gets affected. Facing all these issues while working, and yet trying to hide from everyone else becomes very tiring. It adds up extra pressure and increases your levels of stress. It creates a dilemma within you, whether you

Tips to Get Along with Your New Team

There will always be changes in an office space. Whether the change is due to movement, a promotion or an introduction of a new boss. With the change, there is a high possibility you will be assigned to a new team or boss. So, with a new change in process, there will be a change

Why Employees Don’t Use Employee Assistance Program

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has become a necessity in all the companies, large or small. It provides a constant support to employees. It increases productivity among workers. Along with the increase in the productivity, they also provide a lot of benefits to the employer and the employee. The services provided by them, are subsidized and

Benefits of an Employee Assistance Program

Any company will consist of individuals, and no individual stays in a vacuum. If there is an involvement of people, there will be conflicts and individual personal problems. A company can ignore these issues to an extent, but after a while, it gets reflected in work. Sometimes, there is no way to escape. But, an

Workplace Discrimination

Workplace employee discrimination can happen to anyone. It is one of the serious offences which happens in a workplace. If you have ever been unjustly sidelined based on your race, class, sex etc then there is a chance that you have been discriminated. Discrimination can happen in any sector of employment. It ranges beyond hiring

Types of Problem Employees

In a workplace setting, there are many types of employees we meet. Even if the workplace is large or small, there are problem employees. Some employee behaviors are problematic because of genuine reasons, like problems at home. Employees who have genuine reasons, listening to them solves the problem. While there are some employees who are

Resolving Personality Conflicts at Work

Sometimes, at work, there are certain people you just can’t get along with. There is always a conflict between the person and you and it seems that it will never end. This is because there is a personality conflict between you two. Hence, due to personality conflicts, teams fail and the work is not achieved.

Ways to Communicate with Your Team

Being a leader of a team is a big responsibility in itself. The difficult task at hand becomes how you communicate with the team. An effective leader always knows how to communicate with the team. A good communication with the team helps them to understand and assess the situation better. It helps to clear the

Workplace Bullying

An ideal workplace can turn into a distressful job for many because of bullying. Workplace bullying is very common and faced by many. Yet, many couldn’t do anything about it. First of all, there are many forms of bullying. It can be psychological, verbal or physical. In the workplace, it can be done by someone

Ways to Deal with Interpersonal Conflicts at Work

In a working environment, where people are included, the possibility of conflicts is always there. It is not a surprise that many people quit their jobs because of interpersonal conflicts. Misunderstanding or difference in personalities and opinions leads to conflicts easily. The question then arises how do we deal with conflicts at work? Below are

Signs Telling you to Leave Your Job

Many people wonder if the job they are doing is the right for them or not. They stick with the job thinking that they are earning well and it will be OK for now. But, at the back of the head, there is a constant thought of switching the job. They keep waiting for the

Some Steps to Introduce Yourself to New Clients

Getting clients in any business or a set-up is very helpful. But, it is not as easy as it sounds to be. There is a lot of work involved and many people are not very open to new things or strangers. Our job then becomes to make them listen to us. Below are few suggested

Strategies to Close a Deal Effectively

The way a consumer behaves constantly change, hence it is important for the sales team to be updated always. Selling any type of product, be it virtual or a service is always difficult for a person and institution. It becomes very difficult to become persuasive without sounding arrogant or annoying. It becomes very important to

Striking a Balance between Work-Life

The demands of work and personal life are very difficult for some people. Achieving a balance between the two becomes almost an impossible task for many. In today’s competitive times, the question is striking and very important. To achieve a balance between work-life. Below are few ways you can achieve a balance between the two:

How to tell if Your Work is Making you Depressed

It is a daily struggle for all of us to attend work. But, for some, the workload starts to bring them down. According to a study conducted by Center for Workplace Mental Health, Mental illness short-term disability claims are growing by 10 percent every year. In fact, the workplace is losing their workers in a

Ways to be a Better Co-worker

A workplace is a social space. It is important to interact with each other, as to know them. But, some people are inclined towards making the social space a havoc. A better co-worker is always the one who will try and understand each other. If everyone contributes to becoming a better co-worker, then the workspace

Ways to Help With your First Job

Getting your first job is a difficult task, but once you get it you feel at the top of the world. It is the first step towards your ambitions. However, with great powers come great responsibilities. You don’t know how to handle the tasks at hand. You are filled with a lot of questions, and

Low-Cost Ways to Reward your Employees

March 1, is celebrated as Employee Appreciation Day. On this day, every employer wants to reward their team for their achievements. Research shows, feeling appreciated increases work progress and engagement. But, it is not essential to spend a lot of time or money on appreciating someone. Here are few ways to reward your employees, in

Keys to Becoming an Effective Leader

For many, it is a very difficult task to become an effective leader. In a team of employees, the leader is presented with an un-called task. The task is to become someone, who is looked up to and yet able to achieve the goals. It is always difficult to manage, and yet be productive. The

Handling a Difficult Customer

In a business module, talking to a customer and keeping them happy becomes a top priority. The phrase, “the customer is always right”, becomes important. But, the customer is not always easy to handle. Sometimes, it raises into a conflict. If you have ever faced this situation, then below are few tips on how to

Tips to Relax After Work

After a hard day at work, the mind and body both become very tired. It becomes very hard to relax after that. The pressure at work becomes huge and it becomes very difficult to relax. Due to which, a lot of sleep is lost. According to a survey, 70% of employees feel stressed after work.

Tips to Increase Concentration at Work

Twitter, Facebook, Instagram all of these are great ways to pass your time and be in touch with your friends. But, often we see that they interfere with our work and inside the workplace. It becomes difficult to work and we seem to lose our concentration. Due to which, a lot of work becomes pending

Dealing with a Narcissistic Co-worker

We often come across people, co-workers who try to belittle us. Their focus becomes to present themselves as grandeur and always are on the defensive. They seem like a very cold person, who never care about anyone else. If you know someone at your workplace like this, then you are probably dealing with a narcissist.

Tips for a Job Interview

Searching for a job is one of the most important aspects of an adult life. The search for a job can be because of personal or monitory growth. But, after you found a job, the next part becomes the interview. The interview becomes a hurdle for some, while some excel in it. It throws back

Managing your Anger at Work

It’s often noted that while working, or attending a client, we lose our temper and subject ourselves to anger. There are many cases where because of anger, one has caused self-harm or got fired. Anger management then becomes a priority for self. Below are some points on how to manage your anger: Explore: Many times,

Mental Breakdown in the Workplace

Constant exposure to stress, anxiety, and depression in the workplace can lead to an episode of a nervous breakdown. Recent statistical data shows, that about 77% of the employees are exposed to different kind of stressors in a workplace, whereas 44% employees experience extreme stress while working or present in a workplace. Extreme amount of

Dealing with Workplace Sexual Harassment

On 9th December 2013, the Rajya Sabha passed a bill on Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal on Sexual Harassment of Women at the workplace, but according to a survey report, 36% of Indian Companies and 25% of MNC’s are still not compliant with the act. It is slowly growing to be one of the major concerns

Managing anxiety and continuing productivity

What is Anxiety? Understanding what anxiety is the first step before delving deep into this topic. Anxiety is the fear of anticipated events. Note that! ‘Anticipated’ but not need not necessarily be real events. It is natural for a fish to feel the fear when it’s under shark attack. But, if the fish stops swimming

Designing the perfect workplace

Environment makes a difference Work-place environment makes a big difference in the health and well-being of the employees and thus has a direct relationship with the productivity of the work-place. It increases employee satisfaction, making companies more successful and reducing the turnover. What then, are the ingredients to the perfect workplace? Here are a few

Dealing with a ‘Bad Boss’

  Dealing with a ‘Bad Boss’ In the perfect world, we all will have the perfect boss who would nurture our growth, make us feel great and excited for Monday morning. Except that, unfortunately, that’s not the case always. Probably you are facing the wrath of their micro-management, favouritism, anger-management or plain incompetence. At the

Conflict at Workplace

  Crash Course on Conflict Conflicts are a very common place in work situations. Conflict is certainly a good thing. Yes, you read it right! If the conflict situation is used well, conflicts can result in a lot of growth, both personal and professional. Most people tend to avoid conflicts, as that is the path

Conflict at Workplace

  Crash Course on Conflict Conflicts are a very common place in work situations. Conflict is certainly a good thing. Yes, you read it right! If the conflict situation is used well, conflicts can result in a lot of growth, both personal and professional. Most people tend to avoid conflicts, as that is the path

Workplace Stress

  Stressed to Blessed: Winning at your workplace Pressure is one of the good things in life. It keeps us on the toes and gets the best performance out of us. It is what converts coal into a diamond. However, when it crosses its healthy boundaries, we find ourselves suddenly stuck in stress. In today’s

Work in the face of Depression

Continuing work in the face of depression Findings suggest that 33% of the workforce in India is undergoing depression or some form of mental morbidity. What that means is that members of your colleagues or yourself could be undergoing depression. We’re not talking about occasional sadness or burnout but a serious case of depression that