Team Mentriq explains how to bond with significant other during quarantine. 28 Apr 2020

BY: Team Mentriq

Family / Relationship

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We often complain that there is no time to spend with our spouse or partner. For some, this time could make or break the relationship. But a wise person will make good use of this time to flourish the relationship. 

Sometimes couples meet only on weekends, that too most of the time is spent relaxing at home or sleeping. So why not utilize this time of lockdown to bond well with your partner? 

Below are the ways you can bond with your spouse and grow emotionally…

Plan home Dates

Each partner can take turns to cook a scrumptious meal or even a simple meal and celebrate at home. You may surprise your spouse with their comfort food with a candlelight dinner.

Team Mentriq explains how to bond with significant other during quarantine.
Team Mentriq explains how to bond with significant other during quarantine.

Share household chores

It’s quite a lot when we have to work and do the household chores. Divide according to the workload you have and help each other out or take up added responsibility if one is burdened with work.

Indulge in activities

Indulge in your hobbies like – painting/paint a wall, play an instrument, sing together, or watch a movie. It is a great time to watch movies, clean the house, rearrange the items in your cupboards. De-cluttering the house itself is quite relaxing.

Have great communication

As we said this lockdown can make a relationship more strong or there can be additional fights. But use this time to resolve old issues, have transparent conversations, enjoy light moments, laugh thoroughly and work together to resolve old issues. Try and not be a reason of stress for your partner.

Team Mentriq explains how to bond with significant other during quarantine
Team Mentriq explains how to bond with significant other during quarantine


Exercise is key to any mental health problem. Workout together or motivate each other to work out daily. Exercising for even half an hour will release good hormones ultimately benefitting the couples.

Let the romance bloom!

Amidst all this COVID chaos, sex can be a great way to improve the emotional intimacy amongst each other. Cuddle each other often which will help to lower the stress and anxiety for both. Married couples if you ever complained you have no time for each other and need to de-stress, it’s now!

Me time

Even though you are together 24/7, give the required space to each other so that you don’t get bored with each other. Read a book, check out an old album of yours, watch your favorite You tube channel or whatever suits you.

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All images by Pixabay.