If an employee is low on morale, less motivated or having tough times, employee counseling is a necessary method to maintain a healthy environment in the office. When work becomes challenging, employees burnout and backfire; ultimately work environment turns unhealthy. If the overall morale is down, the personnel need immediate attention before worsening of the issue. Stress affects the work of the employees which will affect the quality of the organisation. Ill-health, particularly in respect of stress-related mental disorders, results in a significant proportion of the Gross National Product (GNP) loss each year.

Our offering:

Counselling is a psychological health care intervention for them which will eventually benefit both the employer and employee. In this session, we plan a protocol for working culture in the office. We give tips for tackling the maximum challenge and maintaining productivity in the work. The counseling session would help employees from these negative effects of stress, anxiety, and depression. In conclusion, the performance of the employee and the organization as a whole improves.