Mentriq team talks about Cognitive Restructuring 10 May 2019

BY: Team Mentriq

counsellor / MENTAL HEALTH / therapist

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Cognitive restructuring means changing the process or way of thinking. When anger goes beyond control people behave in a very aggressive, exaggerated and overly dramatic way. These all happens because the positive thoughts are blocked somewhere in mind at this juncture and an individual is guided by negative thoughts. When such a sequence occurs, one should try to replace these thoughts with more rational ones.

Mentriq team talks about Cognitive Restructuring
Mentriq team talks about Cognitive Restructuring

For instance, instead of telling one self, “oh, how could this happen to me? It is awful, it’s terrible, everything’s ruined,” you should tell yourself that, “ I am aware that the situation is frustration but it is not end of the world and if I get angry it is not going to help”.

Once you start thinking about the positive aspects you will realise that adverse reaction is in no way going to solve the present problem. Rather, there may be another way to find out a more acceptable solution.

Apply Logic

Further, applying logical reasoning, positive and rationale thinking helps you to get a more balanced perspective. Remind yourself that the world is “not out to get you”. You are just experiencing some of the rough phase of your life. You should repeat these thoughts whenever you are angry and you can deal with your own anger in the best possible way.

Anger can be handled and responded to in a more healthy way.  The after effect of the anger depends upon how effectively it is communicated or channelised. No doubt, anger can be a tremendous source of energy and inspiration for change. We should  manage anger in such a way that it does not hamper  our relationship, priority and main focus . Rather one should have an attitude of ‘forgive’ and ‘forget’. Also one should think before and then speak, because an effective communication can win any situation.

Mentriq team talks about Cognitive Restructuring
Mentriq team talks about Cognitive Restructuring

 Controlling Anger Through External Help 

If you find that, despite putting effort in the anger management, you are unable to handle the situation and you are every time getting yourself into trouble, then you need an external help. Seeking help from outside does not means that you are weak, rather it shows your willingness to face it.

 Getting help through experienced professionals such as psychologist can help you to undergo the sessions of therapy. Therapies help in finding out the reasons behind an individual’s anger and identify triggers that lead to anger.

All images are courtesy Pixabay

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